Apple, part I

In June of 2009, I applied to work at Apple. A few weeks later, I got a call from an Apple recruiter, and we scheduled a first-round phone interview. I passed that one, and he called to schedule a second-round phone interview. I passed that one, too, and he called to schedule an in-person third-round interview.
By now it was mid-August. I took a day off of work to interview with 6-7 different Apple engineers, each for 45 minutes. I talked with them, showed them what I knew and what I could do in terms of coding and theory. The group leader told me I'd hear back by the end of the week. I thanked them, and went home.
I made a mistake, in that I didn't immediately send a "thank you" email; I waited a few days to do so.
The week ended, and I hadn't heard anything. I thought perhaps I misheard, and he'd said the end of the following week. Still nothing. No phone call, no email.
The next week, now 2.5 weeks after my interview, I emailed to ask if there was anything I could give them -- references, or further background, or anything -- to help them decide. The following was the entirely of the response I received, without the names:

Sorry [me]. Unfortunately, the team decided to pass on your candidacy.
